Sunday, January 21, 2007

hahaha. well, SOME of the images, 3 to be exact. enjoy. IT'S WEELYN SWEET 16. 18 of january. PLEASE REMEMBER AH, ON THE 18TH OF FEB, IS CNY. hahaha. I HAVE A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT. THE NEW BARI'S IS COMING on the 25th January 2007, on the thursday. the day after camp CORRI. must celebrate!!! i am getting exciting. can hardly wait. hahaha. oh ya, must have fun in the camp CORRI okay. time to bond with your classmates [especially for you , cassandra] i tell you, with my two years of experience, camp corri is super fun, the camp fire is great. alright, will end now. got lots of assignments to do. tata. so long...
♠ saxophonists at 8:49 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007

the photos are not very clear. but i pick out the best.

i see, cassandra's face is always blur and shaky.

1, 2, 3 SMILE!

Cassandra, Kayler, Jia wei and Weelyn.

Eda, cassandra and me.

in a row of umbrellas, but where is the other pair?

the other pair. couple!!!

black and white, yin and yang. wad the... PINK? haha.
the pictures of people's back. pretty nice photos huh. Eda and i was doing random stuff. actually. hahhaa. that faithful day where we had our section outing, to weelyn's house, to the KFC and later to TM.
♠ saxophonists at 2:22 PM
YAY! i'm the first to blog in the year 2007. hooray! three cheers and three cheers for jolene... alright. anyway, Have a delightful NEW YEAR day today! although 2006 has been an inauspicious year for our section, due to some unhappy and pretty shocking incidents, let us all do our very best to make 2007 a better one. alright. we should erase the unhappy past we had and start afresh. create new and happy memories for us, so that when we think back to wad happened in the year 2007, we will start to smile and laugh about it. may 2007 be a blissful year for all of us. alright. let's do it! three cheers and three cheers for all of us! hahahahahhaa. just in case you guys forget, there is school on the 3rd of jan. hahaha.
♠ saxophonists at 2:03 PM