Sunday, July 29, 2007
It's so sad Cause Saxophone section is falling into pieces.
This blog needs updatting.
♠ saxophonists at 12:07 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hope you all had fun :D
♠ saxophonists at 7:04 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007
guess who?
it's me!
sorry, having some internal conflict with myself.
people, i know you guys got your own blogs. but i hope you all will like blog in the section's blog. it's weelyn's precious little thingy. HAHA. sorry. well, i'm blogging for a reason.
i heard about the problems. anyway, i seriously hope that every single one of you in the saxophone section will BE commited to the section and to the band. also, please be open minded alright, whenever there are new pieces, must be excited. isn't is cool to learn new pieces? it is like learning something new. well, i think it is quite exciting. anyway, even if you are not excited, at least do your very best to practice the piece and perfect it! strive to be the best section!!! :D
yes, so long if you all work as a section, do your individual practices. learn the pieces. dunno. ASK JOEY! hahaha. anyway, need anything, must speak up!
being in the band requires LOTS of commitment, passion, time and energy. i hope you all take each practice seriously, with a pinch of fun though. or else it is going to be boring. if you actually think of quitting half way, then in the first place, myself not join the band. missing a practice is quite serious cause each and every practice, you will be learning something new. so, i hope that you all will try your best to turn up for every practice :D
regardless of playing the alto, tenor or bari, you are all in the same saxophone section. must work with each other as every single one of you and all parts of the piece, be it the bass, the melody or counter-melody, you are all equally important :D
ya, so that very much concludes this post.
so do you now know who i am?
YA, it's jolene!
sorry, stress causes lameness. nevertheless, i hope you all take me seriously. alright.
all the best! remember, you CAN do it!
♠ saxophonists at 2:46 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
HELLLLLLOOO YA'LL.i'm bored; so i decided to update this
very dead blog. THREEEE CHEEERRS FOR ME. i hope all you looovely people are seriously working your asses off; cauuse you know
our goal. hmm, what shall i blog in here? i can't really be bothered to talk aabout my life; cause i'll just bore the hell out of your. so i guess i'll use this post to spread my loveeee to all you love-lys.
i still cannot believe that weelyn and jolene is going to graduate. but nevermind i am, WE are going to do our best; and make you proud.
. weelyn the soloist and jolene the baritonist. HAHAHAHA,
thank you soo much for everything. FROM the beggining when i first joined the section. like oh my! what did you think of me? i swear you guys are so freaking patient; i'll just freak if i had to teach a junior like ME. yes, i admit it at least; i'm hardly serious; and im so sorry about that. but i guess that's just who i am. oh man; sectionals will never be the same anymore.
oh man; and
hawaii was aweesome. as much as you both kept annoying me. HAHA. oh man
funn funn was hawaii. though; i really reaaaly wished the
whole section was there.
thank you weelyn and jolene for
EVERYTHING. for being there for me and all. oh my; i'll probably never end if i were to say everything; so i shall keep it
short and swwweeet. yes, i'l never forget you two. ohh and weelyn's CCCCASSPPPPPEEEERRRRRRR. and JO 's JJJOOOOOONNNNN. haha. oh my. SO SWEEET. ohh myy.
jolene-> oh man, i miss your messy hair every morning. i miss talking and laughing with you and sascha every night. I miss seeing you cry, kidding. and 864, i got it right. please tell me i did.
weelyn-> i miss seeing you sleep and stone. DANNNNG. and in case your wondering; my pillow is perfectly okay. thanks for your "concern"
whereas for the rest of the section; you're still stuck with me.
RAHAHAHA. muaahahahahaha. well too sad for you guys; you guys had better bare with me.
RAHAHAHAHAHAHA. oh my gawwwwd; i'm going high. weell well; we're going to do our best anyways. and work really hard. and we should better try to
stop being the last section to set up everytime. OH MY.
so pathetic.and joey, you can do it as section leader; I KNOW YOU CAN. haha :) we'll
try our best to listen to you. kiddding, we
will listen to you,
no choice what. kiddddding.i guess i shall end here; before i really never end.
I LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU LIKE CRRRRAAZZZZZZZYYYYYYYYY :)with love;guess who i am.DUH; caaaaasssie dearest.
♠ saxophonists at 10:34 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2007

it's funny how time actually passes when you're having fun. ohhh my gawd, jia wei. i just noticed that none of the photos above have you inside. nevermind, you're being remembered by me nevertheless. :)OH MY GAWD; I LOVE YOU GUYS MORE THAN EVER .
ps; i have so much to say in here, but i shall do it another time.
♠ saxophonists at 11:06 PM
Sunday, April 15, 2007
♠ saxophonists at 11:59 AM
like FINALLY, now, the section's blog is on tracks once again.
all thanks to WEELYN *******.
yeah, weelyn, thanks to you, our section's blog is sort of coming alive again.
coolness. oh ya, i have pictures to upload. haha. but before that, if you all have any section's pictures, wadver pictures that consists of our section. please send them to me through msn or email. i want!!!
thank you and have a super duper day ahead.
jolene, the baritonist.
♠ saxophonists at 12:58 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007

hahaha. well, SOME of the images, 3 to be exact. enjoy. IT'S WEELYN SWEET 16. 18 of january. PLEASE REMEMBER AH, ON THE 18TH OF FEB, IS CNY. hahaha. I HAVE A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT. THE NEW BARI'S IS COMING on the 25th January 2007, on the thursday. the day after camp CORRI. must celebrate!!! i am getting exciting. can hardly wait. hahaha. oh ya, must have fun in the camp CORRI okay. time to bond with your classmates [especially for you , cassandra] i tell you, with my two years of experience, camp corri is super fun, the camp fire is great. alright, will end now. got lots of assignments to do. tata. so long...
♠ saxophonists at 8:49 PM